Terms of Service

The Terms of Service for Workflows HR represents the things that you ought to know before engaging the services the software provides for you.


Workflows HR is an integrated software designed to provide unique solutions that will promote an exceptional employee and customer experience. The Workflows HR software is an all-in-one streamlined CRM solution. Workflowshr.com, operated by Workflows HR, provides HR solutions like payroll, performance management, recruitment, and HR information systems, including seamless payroll. From automating faultless payments and pay slips, tracking work hours, error-free calculation, and enhancing compliance checks, to easy-data insights effortlessly managing customer data, and increased satisfaction.

The Terms and Conditions listed below outline how Workflows HR provides a subscriber with non-exclusive access to its workflowshr.com platform.The subscriber acknowledges that these Terms and Conditions (T&C) will apply to them by completing the Workflows HR Service Agreement or by utilising the workflowshr.com platform. This Agreement governs your use of the service however accessed, including via an internetbrowser, smartphone, tablet, or other internet-connected device.

By signing up for the service on behalf of a customer of Workflows, you confirm that (a) you are duly authorised to represent the legal entity under which the customer operates and any affiliates of the customer who will be using the service under the customer, (b) you accept the terms of thisagreement on behalf of such legal entity and its affiliates, and (c) any references to “you” in this agreement refer to such legal entity, its affiliates, and all of the employees, consultants, and agents of those respective parties. You are responsible for all activity on the service that occurs under your account.


Workflows HR provides seamless payday. From automating faultless payments and pay slips, tracking work hours, error-free calculation, and enhancing compliance checks, to easy-data insights effortlessly managing customer data, and increased satisfaction.

2.1 Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management is managed with a single interface. Thereby simplifying customer history, reviewing past interactions, resolving queries, identifying trends, and addressing pain points to enhance the customer experience.

2.2 Packages

Workflows HR software is seamlessly tailored to transform complexity into simplicity in an all-in-one centralised hub, maximising a streamlined organisation workforce for an awesome employee-employer experience.


3.1 Agreement: means the Workflows HR Service Agreement between Workflows HR and the Subscriber.

3.2 Ancillary Program: means any software agent or tool owned or licensed by Workflows HR that is made available to the subscriber to download for purposes of facilitating the subscriber’saccess to, operation of, and/or use of the workflowshr.com platform.

3.3 Applicable Law: means the laws, rules, and regulations of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

3.4 Authorised Users: means those persons or end users authorised by the Subscriber or on the Subscriber’s behalf to access the workflowshr.com platform. An authorised user must be an employee or a member of the member of the management staff of the subscriber.

3.5 Customisation Fee: means any sum paid in addition to the Subscription Fee for added customisation and features tailored to subscriber needs.

3.6 Fees: means the totality of all fees payable in accordance with the WorkflowsHR Service Agreement between WorkflowsHR and the Subscriber.

3.7 Implementation Fee: means the one-off, non-refundable fee paid by the subscriber to cover for training costs, set-up, and technical implementation (configuration) of the software.

3.8 Integration Fee: means the one-off, non-refundable fee paid by the subscriber to cover the cost of assimilating the subscriber’s data, content, processes, or infrastructure into the software.

3.9 Working Hours: all references to minutes, hours, and days in this T&C mean working hours.

3.10 Notice/Written Notice/Notice in Writing: means communication under or in connection with this Agreement. Any notice given in line with this Agreement shall be in writing and may be delivered by email to the relevant email address or by hand to the relevant physical address

provided by Parties at the commencement of the Agreement between Parties, or such other address as may be communicated by the relevant Party to the other Party from time to time.

3.11 Parties: means both WorkflowsHR and the Subscriber.

3.12 Party: means either WorkflowsHR or the Subscriber.

3.13 Service: means deployment, customisation, and use of the software.

3.14 Service Period: means the duration of the subscriber’s active or paid access to the software as stated in WorkflowsHR’s Service Agreement.

3.15 Software: means the cloud-hosted workflows.com platform.

3.16 Subscriptions: means the non-exclusive license to use and access the software granted under this T&C and the Agreement.

3.17 Subscription Fee: means the amount payable by the subscriber for the access and use of the software for the service period.

3.18 T&C: means these Terms and Conditions of Service.

3.19 Subscriber’s Content: means all employee data, text, files, images, graphics, illustrations, information, data (including personal data as defined under the Nigerian Data Protection Regulation), audio, video, photographs, and other content and material in any format, provided by

the subscriber on the workflowshr.com platform.

3.20 You/Your: references to “you” or “your” mean the subscriber.

3.21 Waiver: means an act or instance of waiving a right or claim.


4.1 Acceptance Of Terms: By subscribing to or using the service, the customer acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these terms.

4.2 Use of Service: Workflows HR grants the customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the service for internal business purposes, in compliance with all applicable laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

4.3 Subscription And Payment Terms: The customer shall pay all fees specified in the subscription plan.


5.1. For the duration of the service period and subject to payment of the fees payable in the agreement, the subscriber is granted a non-exclusive, non-assignable right to access and use the cloud-hosted workflowshr.com platform, including any subsequent modification or enhancement to the software as may be delivered by WorkflowsHR, solely for the subscriber’s internal business operations and subject to this T&C.

5.2. The subscriber may allow authorised users to access the workflowshr.com platform under its license; however, the subscriber is responsible for such authorised users’s compliance with this T&C.

5.3. The subscriber agrees to use the service in compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


6.1. The subscriber shall retain all ownership and intellectual property rights in all subscriber’s content uploaded to the workflowshr.com platform. Workflows HR retains all ownership and intellectual property rights to the Software and Ancillary Programs, and derivative works thereof, and to anything developed or delivered by or on behalf of Workflows HR under the Agreement.

6.2. The subscriber shall not cause or permit others to: reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discern the source code of the components of the software. The subscriber shall not obtain or use such code and shall not allow the software to be used to provide data management or processing services for third parties. reproduce all or any portion of the software (except as expressly permitted herein) or any accompanying documentation, or modify the software; access and/or use the service, other than by authorised persons as defined under this T&C rent, lease, loan, or sell access to the software to any third party without the consent of Workflows HR;

access the software in order to build or create a derivative, competitive service or copy features, functions, or graphics of the software; introduce software or automated agents or scripts to the software to produce multiple accounts, generate automated searches, requests, and queries, or strip or mine data from the service; commercialise in any way, nor grant access to any third party without a written consent from Workflows HR.


7.1. The customer retains ownership of all data uploaded to the service.

7.2. Workflows HR implements industry-standard security measures to protect data in compliance with the Nigerian Data Protection Regulation (NDPR).

7.3. Workflows HR shall maintain the confidentiality of customer data.


8.1. Workflows HR retains all rights, title, and interest in its intellectual property. 

8.2. The customer grants Workflows HR a non-exclusive license to use data for improving the service.


9.1. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

9.2. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be resolved through the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, Cap A18, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

9.3. Workflows HR and the customer shall comply with the provisions of the Nigerian Data Protection Regulation (NDPR).

9.4. Neither party shall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under these terms due to

causes beyond its control.


10.1. Unless otherwise agreed to by you and Workflows HR, during the Term, Workflows HR may disclose your company name as a customer of Workflows HR and/or subscriber to the Service, and you hereby grant Workflows HR the right to display your company name and logo in Workflows

HR’s marketing materials and on Workflows HR’s public website, in each case in accordance with any branding guidelines you may provide to Workflows HR.


11.1. The agreement and this T&C shall remain in effect provided the subscriber maintains an active subscription for the service.

11.2. Upon payment of the subscription fee, the subscription would begin to count after setting up the subscriber, deploying the software, and providing the system login details to the subscriber, and shall continue for the duration of the service period as stated in the agreement.

11.3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where Workflows HR is unable to conclude implementation within the timeline agreed by Parties due to a delay by the Subscriber in providing relevant information needed for effective deployment of the software, Workflows HR shall give seven (7) days written notice to the Subscriber for the information needed, and the Subscription Period shall be deemed to commence upon expiration of the notice period.

11.4. At the expiration of the service period, the subscription shall be automatically renewed for a period of one year unless the subscriber opts to cancel its subscription not less than 24 hours before the expiration of the service period. The subscriber may cancel an active subscription by sending a notice of cancellation to: info@workflowshr.com  Such cancellations shall take effect at the end of the subsisting service period

11.5. Workflows HR reserves the right to terminate the subscriber’s access to the software where the subscriber fails to pay the fees due to Workflows HR under the agreement within 30 (thirty) days of the fees becoming due and payable. Workflows HR further reserves the right to suspend Subscriber’s access to the software if Workflows HR reasonably concludes that Subscriber or its authorised user is causing immediate

and ongoing harm to the software. In the extraordinary case that Workflows HR must suspend the subscriber’s access, Workflows HR shall immediately notify the subscriber of the suspension, and the parties shall diligently attempt to resolve the issue.

11.6. The Subscriber reserves the right to terminate the Agreement if Workflows HR is in breach of the provisions of this T&C or the Agreement and fails to remedy the said breach within fourteen (14) days of receiving a written notification of breach from the Subscriber.

11.7. On effective termination of the agreement or cancellation of the subscription, the subscriber would no longer have rights to access or use the software; however, at the subscriber’s request and for a period of up to thirty (30) days after the end of the applicable service period, Workflows HR will make the subscriber’s content available for retrieval. At the end of such a 30-day period, and except as may be required by law, Workflows HR will delete all subscriber data.

11.8. Certain factors may impact the use of the software and may result in failure of access, including but not limited to: local network, firewall, pop-up blocker, internet service provider, the public internet, the public switched telephone network, and power supply.  Notwithstanding any provision in this T&C or the Agreement, Workflows HR shall take no responsibility for any disruption, interruption, or delay caused by any failure of or inadequacy in any of these items or any other items over which Workflows HR has no control. Where the disruption, interruption, or delay is not caused by the events anticipated above, Workflows HR shall exercise all reasonable efforts to resolve the disruption, interruption, delay, or defect in the operation of the software with the urgency it deserves.

11.9. Subscription Charge Adjustments. Workflows HR may at any time, upon notice of at least 60 days, or a longer period if required by applicable law, change the price of your subscription or any part thereof, or institute new charges or fees. If you have prepaid your month-to-month subscription service, price changes and the institution of new charges implemented after your prepayment will go into effect for your next monthly subscription term after 60 days' notice, and the updated fees will be subtracted from your prepayment. If you do not agree to any such price
changes, then your sole remedy is to cancel your subscription and stop using the service prior to the commencement of the renewal subscription period for which the price change applies.


12.1. Any provision of this T&C or the Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable under applicable law shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions thereof.


13.1. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Workflows HR, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any costs, damages, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), judgments, losses and other liabilities (including

amounts paid in settlement) (“Liabilities”) incurred as a result of any third-party action, claim, demand, proceeding or suit (“Claim”) to the extent arising from or in connection with (a) your access or use of the Software, and/or Service in violation of this Agreement, (b) any employment

decision or action you take due to information available through or your use of the Service or relating to the inaccuracy or incompleteness of any information you make available to your employees, independent contractors or candidates by or through the Services, including, without

limitation, the inaccuracy or incompleteness of any information relating to the actual or proposed compensation of, or equity ownership by, such employees, independent contractors or candidates, (c) User Content or Data provided by you, your end users, or other third parties, (d) your violation or alleged violation of any third party right, including without limitation any right of privacy or any right provided by labor or employment law, and (e) your violation or alleged violation of this Agreement.

13.2. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Workflows HR, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any costs, damages, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), judgments, losses and other liabilities (including

amounts paid in settlement) (“Liabilities”) incurred as a result of any third-party action, claim, demand, proceeding or suit (“Claim”) to the extent arising from or in connection with (a) your access or use of the Software, and/or Service in violation of this Agreement, (b) any employment

decision or action you take due to information available through or your use of the Service or relating to the inaccuracy or incompleteness of any information you make available to your employees, independent contractors or candidates by or through the Services, including, without

limitation, the inaccuracy or incompleteness of any information relating to the actual or proposed compensation of, or equity ownership by, such employees, independent contractors or candidates, (c) User Content or Data provided by you, your end users, or other third parties, (d) your violation or alleged violation of any third party right, including without limitation any right of privacy or any right provided by labor or employment law, and (e) your violation or alleged violation of this Agreement.

13.3. A party seeking indemnification hereunder shall (a) promptly notify the other party in writing of the Claim, (b) give the indemnifying party sole control of the defense of such Claim and all negotiations for the compromise or settlement thereof (provided that if any settlement requires any

action or admission by the indemnified party, then the settlement will require the indemnified party’s prior consent), and (c) provide the indemnifying party with all reasonable cooperation, information and assistance in connection with such Claim; provided, however, that failure by the indemnified party to provide prompt notice of a Claim, grant such sole control, and/or provide such cooperation, information and assistance, shall not relieve the indemnifying party of its obligations under this Article 11, except to the extent that the indemnifying party is materially prejudiced by such failure. The indemnified party may be represented by its own counsel, at its own expense.


14.1. If you have any questions about the service or this agreement, you may call us at +2347123456789 or email us at info@workflowshr.com.

14.2. When Workflows HR is unavailable or material System or API outages or defects are detected, the subscriber will report the issue to Workflows HR via the contact information provided in (14.1).

By using the service, the customer acknowledges acceptance of these terms.

©WorkFlowsHR 2024 all rights reserved